Posts Tagged “hike”
Germany is so central to so many amazing places in and outside of the country. While I have loads of great day trip posts, I thought I might make it easy to follow along and compile them all in one place. I will put the closer (less than 2 hours) trips first, and then the…
I love visiting small towns and “local” attractions when I travel. So day trips are great! This last weekend I talked Kat and her daughter Brianna into doing some local-ish exploring with me. And so on Saturday morning, I found myself driving to the little (and might I say adorable) village of Kastl to pick…
Old places have always fascinated me. In the States, we have a very short history in comparison, so the amazing and rich history here in Europe amazes me. Even in the small towns and villages, you can find smaller “castles” and places to explore that hold amazing stories that date back far into history. When…
So my wonderful friends from Sidles Adventures invited me to go on a trip with them and I think before they even told me where I had already said yes. But finding out the trip was for Kotor and Dubrovnik made it an even bigger YES! I keep telling (warning) my friends that unless I am…
So we are just taking day trips around Germany over this long Labor Day weekend. We decided to go visit the small town of Wonsees to visit the area known as Sanspareil. It is said that during the mid 18th century a lady of the court visited the rock garden and upon viewing exclaimed,…
Slovenia – Day 11 – #15daysthrougheurope Oh, Slovenia. I will be going back! Probably one of my favorite places I have been in Europe so far. Although, I suppose I should start this story back in Austria, where Day 11 actually begins. We woke up early and checked out of our hotel so that we…
Lichtensteinklamm, Austria – Day 10 – Austria – #15daysthrougheurope The rest of these are going up without the mom’s commentary because she is a slacker and they have been ready for weeks! The cover photo is her punishment! So it was finally time to get back on the road again and go a bit further…
So on Day 4 we woke up nice and early at The Zur Schönen Aussicht Hotel and headed down to the kitchen for breakfast. If you read Day 3, you know that we have yet to actually meet anyone here face to face and wondered jokingly if food would just magically, harry potter style, appear on the…
So on the third day of crazy adventure we left Colmar first thing in the morning (fortunately we found a bakery that was open so we could stuff our face with french pastries on our way out of town). Next stop – Garmisch. But with a few stops on the way. We got the car…